Traditions are fictional and invented out of nothing, yet the Traditions of your Gameworld create its heart and soul. Consciously Creating your Gameworld Traditions allows you and your people to come alive in unexpectedly joyful ways. New dimensions leap into the world in your favor.
Some consider this High Level Fun!
Gameworld Traditions
Every Gameworld is Invented.
Before there were human beings, there were no Gameworlds.
Not even God invented Gameworlds, because humans invented God.
As a Gameworld emerges, its Traditions come to life and evolve, Consciously or Unconsciously.
Every Gameworld Tradition is Invented out of nothing and is an Experiment.
Some Gameworlds have adopted the Tradition to 'Act As If' their existing Traditions are carved in stone and cannot be modified or eliminated.
That is a Tradition.
Some Gameworlds act offended if you Propose to try out a new Tradition, or to end an existing Tradition.
That is also a Tradition.
It can be a Tradition in your Gameworlds to regularly try New Traditions.
Traditions replace Rules.
Declaring is one of a human being's 3 Powers.
Declaring is either Conscious or Unconscious.
If your Declaration is not Conscious, then it is Unconscious and serves Unconscious Purposes.
How many of the Gameworld Traditions you now partake in serve Unconscious Purposes?
It does not have to remain like this.
You can reclaim your power of Conscious Declaring and institute new Traditions in your Gameworld.
No one can do it for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from doing it.
After all, it is your Gameworld.
Conscious Choice
Do any of these people scare you... for no apparent reason?
You could consciously choose to Propose a new Gameworld Tradition that provides new opportunities for both you and them to Evolve.
Samantha creates Gameworld Traditions...
Mehrbad creates Gameworld Traditions...
Dorothy creates Gameworld Traditions...
Alfred creates Gameworld Traditions...
Simi creates Gameworld Traditions...
Thomas creates Gameworld Traditions...
These people create and participate in Gameworld Traditions, but are they creating their Gameworld Traditions consciously?
Probably not...
This does not have to stop you!
Taking Radical Responsibility for creating or replacing the Traditions of the Gameworlds you play in can make a huge difference in the quality of your life, and perhaps the life of many others as well.
As Buckminster Fuller inferred, "You don't change things by fighting the existing gameworlds. You change things by building and inhabiting new regenerative culture gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant."
An intense investigation into Gameworld Traditions during a Possibilitator Meeting
Gameworld Tradition Experiments
NOTE: These Gameworld Tradition Experiments are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference. This means that some are added later and their Matrix Codes are out of order.
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
How do your Gameworld's four Archetypal Lineages meet?
What responsibilities do they take?
How are they trained and empowered?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Who has Authority in your Gameworld? Who does not?
Where does the Authority come from? From within your Gameworld or from other Gameworlds? Who decides?
Authority for what?
- To sign agreements for the Gameworld?
- To own Gameworld property?
- To make binding decisions or commitments for the Gameworld?
- To Take A Stand for the Gameworld?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
What are your Gameworld's Traditions for Celebrating?
Whose Celebrations do you use?
What is being Celebrated?
What is the Purpose of the Celebration?
Could your Purpose be Celebrated more profoundly and authentically?
What is involved in your Celebration? For example:
- Festivals
- Music
- Dance
- Rituals
- Contests
- Clothing
- Foods
- Decorations
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Who is the Guardian of your Gameworld Codex?
Do you use an Infinity Ring in your Gameworld structure?
Who keeps your Codex updated? How?
Where is your Gameworld Codex located?
Who can see it? How?
Who can make proposals to change your Gameworld Codex?
How are change proposals made?
How is your Gameworld Codex and your Gameworld kept in alignment?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
The Gameworld Team designates certain opportunities as worthy of Cofunding.
For example, your Gameworld could Value Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
If that were so, and you had the Tradition of Cofunding, then members of your Gameworld might pool their funds to pay for transportation, food, shelter, supplies, and tuition for another member to participate in their next Initiation.
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Does your Gameworld promote Catharsis or Cathexis of emotional energy?
Who are the Spaceholders for this?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Have regular Context Deepening meetings with the whole Gameworld.
One result of this Tradition is that your Gameworld becomes Anti-Fanatical.
There are two things in life: Bullshit, and Nothing.
The Nothing is sacred, rather than the Bullshit.
Anything can be taken apart, dismantling an Experiment.
Design for
Discovering a new Distinction can subvert any pre-existing Tradition.
Your Gameworld is built out of Consciously Chosen Traditions, as High Drama Theater, as High Level Fun, as Playing Full Out.
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
To what degree does your Gameworld face into the horrors of current reality on planet Earth?
What are your Traditions around letting conspiracy theories run amuck, vs. considering practical procedures for handling eventualities?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Which of the 13 Traditional Decision Making Technologies do you use in your Gameworld?
How clearly is the power of Deciding applied?
EHPs (Emotional Healing Processes)
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
A Gameworld can have many Spaces active in parallel.
What this means is that while some are in an Intimacy Café Space, others can be in an Invention Space, or a Book Writing Space, or an Emotional Healing Process Space all at the same time.
This works because each Space has its own designated Spaceholder.
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Make it a Tradition to Eliminate A Tradition, even if there is No Reason to eliminate the Tradition.
Removing a Tradition may unexpectedly open up new Space with new Possibilities and new territories to explore that no one Noticed were being Energetically Blocked by the current Tradition.
If it turns out that your Gameworld flew better with the Tradition you just Eliminated, anyone can make the Proposal to bring back the old Tradition.
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Ask for Feedback and Coaching.
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
How does your Gameworld relate with members or guests with Gremlin / Parent / Child / Demon Contaminated Adult Ego States?
Do you require Gremlin Training? Or not?
Do you require Decontamination? Or not?
If so, how does it go?
If not, how does it go?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
How does your Gameworld pay to Caesar what is Caesar's due?
How much?
Who decides?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Your Gameworld could adopt the Tradition of Immediatism.
Suddenly Play and Celebration take on new dimensions in the life of your Gameworld.
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
How to authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes fit into your Gameworld.
Where are they located energetically.
Which Initiations are considered necessary for Adulthood to be entered.
How is your Gameworld situated with regards to transforming childhood wounds into Adulthood strengths?
What Initiations does your Gameworld offer to members of other Gameworlds?
Which Initiations does your Gameworld use in the global Valex as Value Exchange?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Which Memetic Constructs does your Gameworld use without question?
Which are questioned at each and every use?
For example:
- Are Beliefs respected?
- Is marriage and monogamy enforced?
- Is any sort of relationship valued?
- Is it regarded as possible for a human being to own a piece of the Earth?
- Are corporations granted personhood?
- Are corporations given the death penalty if they murder or exterminate life?
- Does money have value?
- Are franchises and brand names allowed?
- Can creations be 'copyrighted'?
- It is thought that a person can be an 'absentee owner' of more than one household or property?
- Are lawyers granted authority to mediate conflicts?
- Are inventions and discoveries part of the Creative Commons?
- Is the long-term effect of disposables, plastics, toxic chemicals, manufacturing and transportation processes ignored?
- His healing relegated to Medical Doctors certified from the AMA?
Who takes Radical Responsibility for your Gameworld's Memetics?
Who provides Memetic Surgeries and Memetic Engineering in your Gameworld?
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
It is a Tradition in your Gameworld that your Gameworld is a Nanonation.
This means that your Gameworld is not, and none of you are, subject to the Rule Of Law of modern civilization (...except as it might break Rule 3).
How can this be possible?
It is possible with the following Clarity:
The Rule Of Law of modern culture is exterminating life on planet Earth at the fastest possible rate. Anyone who follows that Rule Of Law is criminally insane. Anyone who enforces that Rule Of Law has already forfeited their life.
Any questions about that? Study what is actually going on.
Then, stand in power and Authority of your Gaian Gameworld Context.
And learn to have Culture To Culture Conversations. Keep Practicing until having Culture To Culture Conversations is the only kind of conversation you are willing to have.
Then you
Matrix Code REASONSx.00
Negotiation is what happens after a Proposal is made.
What is the Proposal?
After the Proposal is Clarified, the Proposal can be accepted, or counter Proposals are made through, "Yes, and..."
The intention is to change:
- the Conclusion: "We can have either this, or that..."
- into the Question: "Who do we need to become to have this, AND that?"
Figuring this out is done through Inventing and Navigating Negotiations.
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Moving money into someone else's bank account for no reason establishes an imbalance that the Universe repays in kind. The intentionally made imbalance keeps resources flowing through your Gameworld.
Think of the opposite life strategy: stinginess, scarcity, tightness.
Does this place you more into the flow, or take you out of the flow?
What goes around, comes around. It is a law of the Universe.
By doing this Experiment of moving forward
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
The Tradition is: We are not people. We are Possibilitators. Each one of us.
Being a 'Person' gives you access to Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.).
Being a 'Possibilitator' gives you access to:
- Your Center.
- Your Grounding Cord.
- Your Bubble Of Space.
- Your Pearl.
- Your 13 Tools.
- Your Authority.
- Radical Responsibility.
- Possibility.
- Upgraded Thoughtware.
- Teams.
- Group Intelligence.
- Bright Principles.
- Your Archetypal Lineage.
- Your Conscious Feelings.
- Your Conscious Gremlin.
- Invention.
- Adventure.
- Transformation.
- Possibilitator Skills.
- etc.
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
What are the Traditional Practices of your Gameworld?
- Taking your shoes off indoors?
- Eating one meal per day together?
- Sharing costs equally?
- Sharing income equally?
- A bi-weekly shared cleanup period?
- Abandoning modern culture or 'religious' celebrations?
- Are your Practices enforced or optional?
- Bringing guests?
- Watching television?
- Using phones at meal time?
- Dogs or other pets?
- Children spaces?
- Sexual interactions and noises?
- Musical instruments?
- Composting biological wastes to improve local soil?
Are resources allotted for construction and maintenance of Practice spaces?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
It could be in your Gameworld that you adopt the Tradition called, 'Prompt!'
The way this works is that anyone, at any time, can say the word, "Prompt!" to whoever is in the near vicinity.
NOTE: You can only say "Prompt!" for yourself, not for anyone else.
When someone says, "Prompt!", then anyone else can offer them a Possibility for what to say or do immediately next.
The person who said, "Prompt!" can accept or refuse anyone's Proposal, but they alone decide, and they alone take the immediate new action.
The Tradition of 'Prompt!' is NOT the beginning of a discussion!
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Complaining, blaming, resenting, projecting, etc. are replaced by making Proposals.
Whenever the urge to complain arises, reformulate your rage, your fear, your sadness, your Mixed Emotions into a Proposal that would change the Gameworld Traditions into something you brag about or celebrate rather than complain about.
The sentence to say is, "I have a Proposal..."
This is a particular derivation of the Tradition: 'Say What You Want'.
This is also an application of the Tradition of Radical Responsibility.
The Gameworld is aware that there are Proposals, and there are Transformational Proposals, and that sometimes you cannot discern which is which until after they are implemented... so prepare for Transformation at any time.
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
A Gameworld and its Traditions is consciously or unconsciously Contexted somewhere along a spectrum of Responsibility that ranges from No Responsibility, through Child Level Responsibility, Adult Responsibility, High Level Responsibility, and Radical Responsibility.
Each level of responsibility determines the interactions of people within the Gameworld, and also between your Gameworld and participants in other Gameworlds.
The Context of your Gameworld also establishes the manner in which the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) can put your Gameworld to work.
What level of responsibility is your Gameworld Contexted in?
- No responsibility.
- Child Level responsibility.
- Adult responsibility.
- High Level responsibility.
- Radical Responsibility.
What is the evidence to support your claim? Real and precise examples, please. Responsibility is not theoretical. This is a Responsible Universe. Consequences occur from every action and non-action. What are the consequences your Gameworld is creating?REASONS, EXCUSES, STORIES
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Are really good Reasons, Excuses, and Bullshit Stories (there are Stories that are not Bullshit...?) given any validity in your Gameworld?
Where? How? Why or why not?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Every Space is held by a Conscious Spaceholder.
If a Space is not Held Consciously by a Spaceholder serving Bright Principles, it is Unconsciously Held by a Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon serving Shadow Principles.
Yes, when you are Radically Responsible, every Space is your Space.
And... the first thing to Notice in a Space is: Who is the Spaceholder.
Yes, you can simultaneously Hold a Space if you have the same Purpose, even if you are not the designated Spaceholder, but not in your Gameworld.
In your Gameworld, you provide Distinctions with Feedback and Coaching, you make Proposals (including the Proposal that you take over Spaceholding...), but there is ongoingly a designated Spaceholder.
When shifting the Spaceholding from one Spaceholder to another Spaceholder you use the Tradition of making the transition of Spaceholding formal, such as by looking in the eyes and shaking hands, while the new Spaceholder says, "I am now the Spaceholder."
In this way your Gameworld has a true Circle and not a hidden Hierarchy, because the Spaceholder job can be Rotated from Possibilitator to Possibilitator.
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Until you have escaped from the 8 Prisons, you are still in school, and you are still likely in the patriarchy.
What does your Gameworld do about escaping the 8 Prisons?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Yes, other people can Observe you and give you ongoing Feedback and Coaching, or ongoingly make Proposals for new Choices to you, and... your Gameworld can be a Matrix Building Team.
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
What are your Gameworld's Traditions for identifying, transforming, healing, and avoiding Sexual Abuse?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
What is the Tradition and Distinctions for managing Sexual Energy Exchange?
What if Sexual Energy Exchange is part of a Survival Strategy, such as with White Widow?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
How far up the Ladder Of Technology does your Gameworld live?
Are members encouraged to make and use daily household items? Clothing? Shoes? Hats?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Do you use The Purple Card to distinguish emotional Reactivity at your meetings?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Which brands of Thoughtware are Traditional in your Gameworld?
How do you manage Thoughtware from guests, visitors, relatives, members that is different from the Traditional Thoughtware of your Gameworld?
Who facilitates Thoughtware Upgrade Processes? How is Thoughtware Upgrade managed?
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Is it a Tradition in your Gameworld that there are no Rules?
Well, actually there are 3 Rules:
- Don't hurt yourself.
- Don't hurt anyone else.
- Don't get arrested.
Feelings and Emotions are painful, yes, but they only 'hurt' you or someone else if you try to keep them in.
The tradition is to communicate Conscious Feelings so you do not keep them in.
The Tradition is that people can collaboratively listen to each other's Feelings and Emotions when they are expressed responsibly.
The Codex is not Rules. It is more like... guidelines...
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GAMETRAD.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!